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All Articles Adapted Using Sources As Stated Below. INTRODUCTION The process of colonizing the planet Mars, will in effect be a long and hard journey. There are many aspects that must be taken into account before the journey begins. These aspects include the physical parts of Mars and how to terraform them, how to get there and what to do once there, who will have the plan and how to govern the planet. The human civilization should colonize Mars to further extend the sphere of influence and expand the culture to new worlds. The process of terraforming involves the transformation of a planet without life into a planet that can sustain plants and animals on the surface. As more evidence continues to come in, scientists learn that Mars was once like Earth and teeming with life. By terraforming the planet, scientists would just be bringing it back to its original state. An integral part of the terraforming process is the regolith, the layer rock or blanket of unconsolidated debris of any thickness that overlies bedrock and forms the surface of the land. The regolith of Mars has many layers, which suggests a large amount of geologic activity such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. A neighbouring planet would be priceless considering the fact that the human race on one planet is vulnerable to self-inflicted Armageddon through nuclear and biological warfare. The human race on one planet is vulnerable to inevitability such as an asteroid impact. The human race on one planet is vulnerable to disease. The human race on one planet is becoming overpopulated. The human race is running out of resources and is in need of reaching out to other planets for metal and element harvesting. The human race needs to come together and stop the bickering over our social differences and unite. At last, the human race needs to expand, the entire universe is at our exposure for research, exploration, and the understanding of ourselves. The human race should be moving on and expanding our sphere of influence. Atmosphere REFERENCES Books EKRUTT, JOACHIM W 2000 Stars and Planets (New York: Barron’s Educational Series Inc.) MOCHE, DINAH L. 2000 Astronomy: a self-teaching guide (Canada: John Wiley & Sons Inc.) PATON, JOHN 1981 Astronomy (London: Grisewood & Dempsey Ltd.) Encyclopaedia The New Book of Popular Science “Mars” 1990 Grolier Inc. p.117 Internet 2001 National Geographic ARNETT, BILL 2003 Mars COCHRANE, KIAN 2001, September 2 “Lichen” Red Colony (retrieved March 3, 2003 ) CORBIN, BRET 2002, November 30 “Who Has The Plan?” Red Colony (retrieved March 3, 2003 ) DAVID, LEONARD 2003, February 19 “Trickle Down Theory May Support Life On Mars” (retrieved on February 22, 2003 ) ELLARD, DAVID 2002, December 27 “Paying For Mars” Red Colony (retrieved March 3, 2003 ) KEENER, JIM, and MOORE, ALEX 2001, January 7 “Bacteria” Red Colony (retrieved March 3, 2003 ) KEENER, JIM 2001, December 6 “Domes” Red Colony (retrieved March 3, 2003 ) MOORE, ALEX 2000a Red Colony MOORE, ALEX 2000b, December 13 “Atmosphere” Red Colony (retrieved March 3, 2003 ) MOORE, ALEX 2000c, December 24 “Cities” Red Colony (retrieved March 3, 2003 ) MOORE, ALEX 2001a, January 5 “Perfluorocarbons” Red Colony (retrieved March 3, 2003 ) MOORE, ALEX 2001b, July 29 “Ethics” Red Colony (retrieved March 3, 2003 ) MOORE, ALEX 2003 February 13 “Lack of CO2… a Blessing or a Curse?” Red Colony (retrieved March 3, 2003 ) REIMUND, KEVIN 2003, January 15 “Propulsion on a Manned Martian Expedition” Red Colony (retrieved March 3, 2003 ) WALSH, CLEMENT 2002, August 21 “Who Should Govern Mars? Building the Case for a Sovereign Mars” Red Colony (retrieved March 3, 2003 ) ZORPETTE, GLENN 2000, March 21 “Why Go To Mars?” Scientific American (retrieved February 22, 2003 from ) |
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